Braces manufacturing by Scoliosis SLC
The aim of Scoliosis SLC in braces manufacturing is the rehabilitation and treatment of spine diseases/deformities in minors and adults.
We do not import but design and manufacture the braces, which are prescribed by your insurance fund, and we can design, manufacture and deliver on the same day, whenever required.
As a manufacturing unit with three generations of experience, we have the ability to manufacture all types of braces. Our experience, research, know-how and technology led us to design and exclusively manufacture new types of braces at our center, such as the Scoliosis Brace® and the Rehab Brace®. Braces which have now been well established, are selected and proposed for their efficiency.
Using a brace can achieve the correction of scoliosis, kyphosis, fractures repair, the rotation of the spine, the difference in shoulders’ height, as well as the support, containment, decompression and bones uplifting.
Nowadays, there are many types of braces which are used for the conservative treatment of spine deformities.
A good brace must be carefully manufactured with well-finished details, with smooth internal and external surfaces and easy to clean, et.al.
The internal surfaces of the brace must be smooth and exercise a steady pressure on the proper points, without however causing any symptoms caused by the exaggerated pressure on the skin or any irritation in certain points, due to poor workmanship.
It must be relatively comfortable and exercise the pressure where needed on a case-per-case basis, without causing any pain or preventing simple daily movements, such as i. e. walking or sitting.
It must never, in any case, allow the aggravation of the disease or its further development, while it must provide immediate pain reduction, whenever there is pain.
The adequate brace must allow for relatively easy breathing, even when it surrounds and presses on the chest, as is the case with full-body underarm braces such as the Boston type brace , which do exercise pressure from all sides on the thoracic walls but do not, as manufactured, excessively prevent breathing.
The selection of a brace depends on several factors, such as the points of the spine where the curvature is detected, the number of curvatures, whether they are flexible or not, their position and the rotation of the vertebras, any family history of scoliosis, the stage of development of the child, et.al.
When selecting and applying the brace designed on a case-per-case basis, we aim both at containing and correcting the spine deformities (scoliosis, kyphosis) as well as making it easy to use.
There is a distinction, whereas a brace is used for the conservative treatment of scoliosis, between the corrections achieved only by the forces applied by the brace (Passive Correction Braces) or those achieved in combination with the active corrective forces exerted by the muscular system of the user himself.
We must stress that, as Moe and Blount have underlined, there are no braces with 100% active mechanisms of correction without some degree of passive mechanisms of correction of the curves which are directly exerted by the brace. The term “active mechanism of correction brace” ” means that the correction of the deformities is achieved, to a large extent, by the activation of muscular forces, both by the user himself, as well as by the reflexes of his body directly caused by the pressures exerted by the brace on the axial skeleton.
The best brace will give the least results if it is not used typically, according to the instructions of the treating physician and the retesting suggestions of the orthotist concerning the readjustments and the corrections of the brace pressures, due to growth somatometric changes, effected regularly (at our centre, without any additional charges).
At the Scoliosis SLC centre, you will secure a reliable and comfortable fit, with hypoallergenic materials, fully certified.
The procedure of wearing a brace, especially for new patients just starting their treatment, must be taught by the orthotist technician himself, who is basically responsible for the correct fitting of the device to the new user and we, and we at the Scoliosis SLC centre are particularly sensitized in this regard.
Dionysios Tzatzaliaris, the 3rd generation now, scientific head of the centre, after designing with inspiration, know-how and sensibility, and manufacturing with the assistance of his specialised associates and the very latest technological equipment, the best-adapted brace, upgrades the use of the braces, improving hence users’ life quality, both on a practical level as well as psychologically. He is the one “training” and “teaching” them how to use the brace.

Adjustment to the brace is for us a “family” matter…
Together we shall discuss, collaborate and make out of a hard beginning an easy continuation!
Together we shall transform fear into Joy and a negative disposition into a Positive attitude, transforming anxiety into Safety, Stability and Confidence.
With Planning, Consistence, Composure, Patience and Determination.
Upon delivery trial applications are effected, maintenance and use instructions are given along with a transportation bag.
We know what we are doing and we are bound by a two-year guarantee.
… this is how we manufacture effective braces
Accurate transcription of the patient’s somatometric information
Thorough control of laboratory tests (x-rays, CTs)
Accurate detection of the pressure points and pressure relief points
Digital listing of all the features (weight, height, Cobb angle, rotations according to Moe, hump, pelvic inclination, shoulders’ inclination, etc.)
Absolutely personalised manufacturing, with attention to every detail.
Continued follow-up for somatometric variations due to growth and correction of the pressures
Braces designs and colours
Manufacturing a brace may strictly serve therapeutic purposes, however, it does not lack aesthetics.
During all these years, the Scoliosis SLC centre has been operating with the human factor as its compass. This is why we pay very close attention to the psychology of the users and therefore manufacture braces based on your choice (but without any additional charge) among a number of different designs and colours, which you may check below.